Ora beach: Enjoy the beauty of the Maldives In Indonesia

Ora Beach - Ora Beach - Beautiful Beach And The White Sand Beach And Clean Not Only There In Lombok and Bali, Resort - Resort neat Above Sea Water Colour Blue Light Concepts With floating inn on the beach and shaped house on stilts. Ora Beach beauty and natural scenery the Resort And equally when compared to Lanikai Beach Oahu Island in Hawaii or the Maldives

Ora Beach

located in eastern Indonesia, precisely located in the village of Saleman, North Seram, Central Maluku regency, Maluku Province. This one is a tourist attraction that offers a very amazing marine tourism even make it as one of the favorite places for recreation. This is because visitors will be spoiled Ora Beach with panoramic beauty baharinya.

Talk about Maldives, certainly synonymous with its resort located on the sea. Yes, Ora Beach also has facilities and views are almost the same. The difference is, some of the islands in the Maldives has many resorts

With a fairly remote location, far from the village settlements, Ora Beach gives you a relaxing holiday moments without being bothered by anyone. There is no noise of vehicles, even the sound of the TV. Instead of noisy, you will actually find the sound of birds and diverse wildlife habitat on the hill by the beach.

Travelers also be trekking through the woods that still preserved behind Sawai Affairs, headed Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center in Hamlet Masihulan, Sawai, a place to see breeding parrots and parrot spooky spooky. Do not forget to see the caves, waterfalls, or spend the night in the cabin, in the woods,

Why I Should That's where?

The beach is very clean will welcome you. The bright white sand and calm blue sea water which will make you forget the hustle and bustle of life in the big city. Not to mention the resort made ​​of wood adds calm beach.

Resort wood is the only inn in Ora Beach. Interestingly, this beach resort is not located on land, but directly on the sea water. So, when you open the door in the morning, the sea water as if to invite you to play along.

The beauty is not only finished up there, clearly visible on the sea floor of coral reefs hundreds of truly amazing. Not to mention the small fish dancing around coral reefs. No need to dive, from the inn's rooms have a terrace you can enjoy the incredible scenery.

Satisfied with the beauty of the beaches, in the hills around the resort there that you can explore. Birds singing and the cool air is guaranteed to make you reluctant to go from here.

Not Only That, visitors can enjoy the beaches are very clean, blue sea water with waves so quiet plus more beauty to the white sand seabed scenery was amazing. Dive and enjoy the beauty of the underwater paradise that very fascinating Ora Beach is one of the activities that must be done here.

The beauty of hundreds of the most amazing coral reefs could be witnessed at this beach. In addition, small fish are colorful as if to welcome the tourists. Even to be able to enjoy the beauty of the underwater paradise, the tourists do not need a deep dive, just 2-3 meters already can see the incredibly marvels.

The visitors can also cross the river Salawai. While crossing the river, the tourists can see how the process of making sago, coconut or fruit collection could also see different species of birds on the estuary of the Gulf of Solomon. After enjoying the beauty of Ora Beach, there is one more activity that can be carried by the visitors trekking through the woods behind the Sawai land unspoiled and beautiful.

Not just through the woods, but there is a slightly hidden location that can be visited. The location of a wildlife rehabilitation and education center located in the hamlet Masihulan. In captivity, tourists can witness the breeding parrots and parrot spooky spooky. For visitors who love challenging journey could continue the trip visiting the waterfall and cave in the middle of the forest.

There are hostels that are deliberately built by the local people. For visitors who are tired can hire available on-site resort Ora Beach. The resort is built on the beach and is shaped like a house on stilts. Resort which was almost entirely made ​​of wood is the only inn can be rented by the tourists. The inn does not so fancy, but it is certain that B will give you a sense for visitors.

While sleeping in this resort will sound clear successive waves and in the morning before even opening the window or door will immediately treated to views of the sea water is very beautiful. This is what makes the value more than the other resorts in the area

Every morning, the sun penetrated through the sidelines of the building, invite you to peek natural treats that are just outside the room. Just a few meters down, underwater beauty is ready waiting to be admired. Clusters of colorful coral reefs clearly visible from the surface while hundreds of fish sizes seen pacing around coral reefs into their habitat.

How Do I get there?

Can not wait to visit soon to Ora Beach? First, you have to stop at the city of Ambon. From Ambon, Seram Island to proceed. You can use ferry boats or speedboats that operate 2 - 3 times a week. If it had more pocket money, you can also use the aircraft pioneer.

Of capital by bus and the Seram, traveling along the 85 km can be reached by car. Because the terrain is not exactly smooth, it takes at least 4 hours. Arriving in the village on the shores of the Gulf of Saleman precisely Sulaiman, you just rent a boat and sea journey about 20 minutes before it finally reached the Ora Beach.

To be able to enjoy all the beauty and exotic Ora Beach there are several paths that can be traveled by the tourists after arriving at the airport Pattimura, Ambon :

using the taxi

Ora Beach communities around calling it by the name of the base to the Port Tulehu car for 1 hour journey. From Port to Port Amahai Tulehu continued, using speedboats central Maluku. Arriving in Port Amahai can use public transportation to Masohi, Central Maluku.

In this mostly by bus and the tourists chose to rest first inn. Its new morning, tourists traveled to the seaside location Saleman village by traveling about 4 hours.

car rental

Rent a car plus driver to deliver directly to Ora Beach almost immediately, after about 1 day and 1 night in the village along the western Seram and Central Maluku regency.
Using pioneering airline

Pattimura Airport, Ambon can choose to pioneering airline flight using O Airport, Seram Island. Then proceed to use fast boats heading to Port Award Cantika Amahai, City Mahi, Seram Island during the 2 hour trip. Economy class fare for the ship around Rp. 100,000 per person and VIP class for around Rp. 150,000 per person.

How In The accommodations?

lodging rates around Rp 500.000, - per night. Fair price for a very exotic scenery. On the beach there are lodging.Tourism Ora Beach can also find another atmosphere with a stay at the Sawai State, District of North Seram, Central Maluku. The country adjacent to Saleman.

Can be reached by sea from Saleman or from the Trans Ceram. Lodging located in the residential areas is almost 40 percent of them to build a house on the ocean. The inn was built on the ocean with coral reefs and colorful fish adorn the bottom of the sea.

When should I get there?

Best time to visit is Ora Beach is April until August, Air Condition And The Clear weather and wave conditions which greatly affect the transportation or Personable Of And Will Towards Ora Beach.At Island In April As of August sea water condition in a very good condition for you use snorklink and dive there

Know Before You Go

  • The beach is very clean will welcome you. The bright white sand and calm blue sea water which will make you forget the hustle and bustle of life in the big city. Not to mention the resort made of wood adds kesyahduan beach.
  • Resort wood is the only inn in Ora Beach. Interestingly, this beach resort is not located on land, but directly on the sea water. So, when you open the door in the morning, the sea water as if to invite you to play along.
  • These activities travelers can suck up to 500 people each year. The majority of foreign tourists from the Netherlands, United States, and Japan. In fact, this year, has 20 tourist groups from several countries temmpat message. Each group amounted to at least 10 people.
  • Species of bird lovers will also be spoiled with Lusiala bird species that occupy the flat cliffs on the outer side of the island. A little further inland, you can also find natural habitat parrots, two endemic species Manusela pride that often make people in awe. Of course, you can also cross over to Sawai is located on the side of Ora.
  • If you are fond of trekking, you should try trekking further into Manusela and enjoy some of the best spots like waterfalls, caves and several freshwater springs. All you need do is pay a local guide to accompany you roam Manusela northern region.
  • Protective cream or sunscreen should always be taken and used as needed in this area because the air is very hot while the wind blows quite refreshing.
  • You should also carry protective anti mosquito.
  • Wear shoes or sandals when walking the streets of coastal beaches to avoid sea urchins are sometimes unpredictable trampled.
  • Make sure you bring equipment for maritime activity in disni nonetheless available equipment can be hired. It will also greatly help to reduce the expenditure of money on location.
  • Arm yourself with food. Ranging from snacks for trips up a lot of mineral water. A little difficult to find the stalls on the beach mekaki
  • Each visitor is forbidden to interfere with, damage, take, or hunting flora, fauna and ecosystems.
  • Due to the minimal lighting without electricity, do not forget to bring a flashlight. Also bring personal medicines including antiseptic. Because clean water is rather difficult, to bring also antiseptic hand gel and wet wipes.
  • For the camera, you should take an underwater camera and telephoto cameras to capture dolphins. Bring waterproof plastic to put things in order not to get wet. Repellents also do not harm brought. As well as moisturizing sunscreen
  • During a vacation in Ora, you not only can enjoy the beautiful beaches and underwater, but also a surprise in the National Park Manusela. Directly adjacent to Manusela, you can begin to explore it by visiting Salawai River, the natural habitat of freshwater crocodiles.
So how Companions TravelEsia Are you interested to Enjoy Beauty of Maldives In your Indonesia.If You Visit Maluku particular Been to Central Maluku regency, Make Ora Beach To Your Travel Destinations.Lets We Support Indonesia As The World Travel Destinations