Thank you for your visit to the site Travel Information And Tourism Information, NusaPedia. We exist for the purpose of presenting information about the location and the potential beauty of tourism in Indonesia. the service user is hoping to help plan trips more effectively and efficiently.
NusaPedia Fully support all efforts of the government to promote the potential of the wealth of nature, flora and fauna and archaeological heritage, heritage, arts, and culture of the Indonesian nation is a resource and tourism development capital to increase the prosperity and welfare of the people as contained in Pancasila and the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;
and through NusaPedia, we also want to contribute to Indonesia More People To Know the potential of its natural resources, so that the presence NusaPedia homeland's love grows in the hearts of the Indonesian
With this initial step NusaPedia expect the support and cooperation of all parties in order to achieve the noble ideals of the Indonesian nation, as an agricultural country which has the potential of natural beauty up to foreign famous that can directly improve the prosperity and welfare of the people
We Or NusaPedia Fully Subject and Guided by Act No. 10 of 2009 Regarding tourism
a. that the state of nature, flora and fauna, as a gift of God Almighty, as well as legacy
archaeological, heritage, arts, and culture of the Indonesian nation is a source
capital resources and tourism development to increase the prosperity and welfare
as contained in Pancasila and the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic
Indonesia 1945;
b. that the freedom to travel and enjoy free time in the form traveled
c. that tourism is an integral part of national development conducted
systematic, well-planned, integrated, sustainable, and responsible while still providing
protection of religious values, cultures living in the community, sustainability and quality
environment, and national interests;
d. that tourism development is needed to encourage equal opportunities
and to benefit and be able to face the challenges of change in local, national, and
e. that Law No. 9 of 1990 on Tourism is no longer suitable to the demands of
and tourism developments that need to be replaced;
f. Based on the considerations referred to in letters a, b, c, d, and
letter e need to establish the Law on Tourism.
Explanation Regarding Services and Legal Services NusaPedia
Written Article 1 Clause 7.8 and 9 of Law No. 10 Year 2009 on Tourism
7. A tourism business is a business that provides goods and / or services to meet the needs
tourists and tourism administration.
8. Tourism entrepreneur is a person or group of people who do business tourism.
9. The tourism industry is a collection of interrelated tourism business in order to generate
goods and / or services to meet the needs of travelers in the implementation of tourism.
In accordance with Law No. 10 Year 2009 on Tourism with this we describe as NusaPedia service functions written in:
Article 3
Tourism serves to meet the needs of physically, spiritually, and intellectually every tourist with
recreation and travel and increase revenues for the welfare of the people.
PURPOSE NusaPedia Service
Written By Article 4 of Law No. 10 Year 2009 on Tourism with this goal we explain in writing to the Service NusaPedia
Article 4
Tourism aims to:
a. promote economic growth;
b. improve the welfare of the people;
c. eradication of poverty;
d. tackle unemployment;
e. preserve nature, environment, and resources;
f. promoting culture;
g. the image of the nation;
h. foster a sense of patriotism;
i. strengthen the identity and unity of the nation, and
j. strengthen friendship among nations.
Or nusapedia.comm We are fully subject to and guided by Article 5 of Law No. 10 Year 2009 on Tourism which explains:
Tourism organized with the following principles:
a. uphold religious norms and cultural values as the embodiment of the concept of living in
balance the relationship between man and the Almighty God, the relationship between humans and
fellow humans, and the relationship between humans and the environment;
b. upholding human rights, cultural diversity, and local wisdom;
c. benefits for people's welfare, justice, equality and proportionality;
d. preserve nature and the environment;
e. empowering local communities;
f. ensure coherence across sectors, between regions, between central and local government which is an integral
systemic within the framework of regional autonomy and integrity antarpemangku interests;
g. comply with the code of ethics of tourism world and international agreements in the field of tourism and
h. strengthen the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
Services Include Power NusaPedia
Us Or The coverage service nusapedia.comm explain accordance with Article 14 of Law No. 10 Year 2009 on Tourism which explains to prevent monopoly or domination of tourism services we NusaPedia Or just pick a few items that NusaPedia services as
c. tourist transport services;
d. travel services;
i. tourism information services;
j. tourism consulting services;
Propriety and Guidance Services NusaPedia
We explain NusaPedia Or and Guidelines NusaPedia full service guided by Articles 17 and 19 of Law No. 10 Year 2009 on Tourism which explains:
and cooperation in the tourism business by:
a. provisioning policy making tourism businesses to micro, small and medium enterprises and cooperatives, and
b. facilitate partnerships micro, small, medium, and large-scale cooperative effort.
Article 19
(1) Everyone has the right:
a. the opportunity to meet the travel needs;
b. doing businesses;
c. a worker / laborer tourism and / or
d. role in the tourism development process.
(2).Every person and / or the communities in and around tourist destinations have the right priorities:
a. / labor;
b. consignment, and / or
c. management.
We opened all the opportunities working with all parties, especially your participation in the information regarding the location and potential of tourism in Indonesia beauty to Contact Us at
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