Aceh Tsunami Museum: Remembering the Disaster History And Soaking Terms Meanings

Aceh Tsunami Museum - Banda Aceh - Aceh Tsunami Museum - TravelEsia Friends Do not Feel It Eight Year Period  Remembering A Disaster We are only Earth-bullion Porch Mekkah.quake and Tsunami that hit Aceh and other regions land on December 26, 2004 leaving special memories for residents

Aceh Tsunami Museum

is a museum to commemorate the events tsunami that struck the mighty awansome Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam on December 26, 2004 which claimed approximately 240,000 people.

The museum was designed by Indonesian architect Ridwan Kamil.Aceh Tsunami Museum displays electronic simulation 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, the photographs of the victims and survivors stories.

Aceh Tsunami Museum building was built on the initiative of several agencies that also serves the committee. Among them Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) NAD-Nias as a building with budget, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) as with budget planning, study the content and provision of guidelines for the management of museum collections and museum), the Government of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) land as a provider and manager of the museum, the Municipality of Banda Aceh as a provider of infrastructure and environmental museum Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) NAD branch that helped organize the contest praplaning museum

Aceh Tsunami Museum was originally going to be made in the form of the ship and is intended only as a repository for all documentation related to natural disasters December 26, 2004. In order for the next generation of Aceh and Indonesia knew that had occurred on earth is most terrible rencong.

But then plans changed, the Government of Aceh with BRR NAD-Nias held a contest to design a tsunami museum. After excluding 68 other participants, design, entitled "Escape Aceh'as Rumoh Hill" finally won by an architecture professor ITB, Bandung, M.RIDWAN Kamil posted on August 17, 2007.

Ridwan Kamil's architecture scratch, loaded with the value of local knowledge and is designed with the concept memimesis ship, as if to proclaim the city of Banda Aceh is water rather than land.

The concept is to offer architects, by combining rumoh Aceh (rumoh-type stage) combined with the concept of building escape hill or hills to escape, sea waves or tsunamis amok analogy, the traditional Saman dance, the light of God, as well as an open concept urban parks.

Inside the building there is a beautiful swimming area with a bridge on it. In addition, there is a room that was prepared as a dark cave with no running water flow

Land provided by the government of Aceh is also directly adjacent to the cemetery complex Kerkhoff,
but the content and completeness provided by the 

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the government of Aceh and the Government of Banda Aceh.

Function Aceh Tsunami Museum

Aceh Tsunami Museum this function is:

1. As objects of history, where the tsunami museum and research center will be learning about the tsunami disaster.

2. Acehnese people as a symbol of strength in the face of the tsunami disaster.

3. As a legacy to future generations in Aceh in the form of a message that had happened in the tsunami area.

4. To remind the dangers of earthquakes and tsunamis that threaten Indonesian territory. This is because Indonesia is located in the "Ring of Fire" Pacific volcanic belt, and the path surrounding the Pacific Basin. The Ring of Fire is an area that is often hit by earthquakes that could trigger a tsunami.

Why I Should That's where?

First, visitors are presented with a dramatic setting down a hallway with no light accompanied by the sound of gurgling water flowing on both walls of the hallway. The atmosphere also leads visitors mind for a moment about how terrible tsunami that claimed 1207 lives.

Accompanied by a guide, visitors are then taken to a room called Memory Hall. There, visitors can see photographs of conditions that ravaged Aceh after the tsunami. The photos are displayed sequentially on the electronic display 26. Display the number 26 mean to remind visitors that the tsunami of December 26.

Memory Hall close to the room, visitors were then invited to see a room lighted 30-meter circular upward with ornate stained glass roof reads "Allah". More so because of the dramatic atmosphere around the walls, affixed to the thousands of deaths caused by the tsunami, it is called a prayer room.

Back to Aceh Tsunami Museum, the building itself is created by using a variety of funds, either from central government or from donor countries. The building has four floors, each of which contains exhibition space, as well as installation. Of the first built, visitors can enjoy all the facilities for free. Keep in mind, on the 4th floor of the museum, intended as a place of natural disaster evacuation for citizens.

In the Aceh Tsunami Museum in Banda Aceh, apparent victims of thousands of names that hit Aceh on December 26, 2004. Almost all building designs here have meaning, such as 26 monitors that display a variety of photos of the tsunami which refers to the date of the tragedy. On the palate the museum, there are also various flags of the countries in the world that provide assistance after the tsunami struck Aceh.

Design Aceh Tsunami Museum is also loaded with local content. Saman dance as a reflection Hablumminannas (the concept of human relationships in Islam) distilled into a pattern of building facade.

The light of God, a well-shaped cylindrical chamber that shined light up a hole with Arabic writing "Allah" and the well wall filled cylinder containing the names of the korban.sangat religious values ​​are a reflection of Hablumminallah (the concept of human relationships and God).

How Do I get there?

Located in Iskandar Muda Road, Banda Aceh, the museum is open every day (except Friday) at 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. Aceh Tsunami Museum location in Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda near Simpang Jam. Another benchmark for ease you are located across the Blang Padang , right near the cemetery graves Netherlands (Kerkhoff Peutjut).

If from Jakarta or Medan, you have to 'ride' plane to Blang Bintang airport, then followed less Over 1 hour Journey to Center of Banda Aceh

If you Using Inter-City Bus Transportation Inter-Provincial, You Can by Bus Alongside Jalan Gajah Mada Medan price Rp.120.000 For AC Economy, Rp180.000 To Executif Or With Super Luxury Bus The fully-Free-WIFI Only There In Indonesia With Paying only Rp.200.000, you Can Enjoy It Fasility Use Super Luxury Bus  A withdrawal Use A Class Aircraft Executif

Using a long plane ride When Less is More 54 Minutes From Toba Medan International Airport, while When You Come from aircraft then preemptively Transit Field To Increase In Passengers from Singapore, Malaysia and other States bound for Banda Aceh

When Ride Transportation Bus Inter City Inter Province long journey Approximately 9 Hours When You Depart At Night When days and 13 hours Departure In Morning Or Afternoon.

How In The accommodations?

Becauce Aceh Tsunami Museum Located In Downtown Banda Aceh, It's So Easy For accommodation, you stay Selecting Lodging By Price Relatively Cheap, Or Want To Continue Into Other Destinations In Sabang province of Banda Aceh Mosque As Baiturahman Or Famous With The Long River current is the Great At the River Alas Takengon The Become Favorite Travel Location On Earth Veranda of Mecca's

When should I get there?

For Visits To The Aceh Tsunami Museum to Do During is open every day (except Friday) at 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00

Currently the museum is off quite crowded with visitors who want to remember how powerful the 2004 tsunami disaster. Many people who bring food to eat together Area later this museum. A cool breeze will make endure to be here. From the back of the building to see the view of the Dutch cemetery or Kerkhoff Peutjut.

Know Before You Go

  • Aceh province is due to the Embrace Sharia Law, So If Want Been to Aceh Tsunami Museum, The Polite wear those, For Women Not In Let use Short Shorts Or dressed,
  • Clothing for Introducing The Polite Not In Shorts Or Allow use shirted short.if You Do not Heed This Ready-Ready So You Will Bring to the Syariah Courts In Aceh, Cast and Cast Briefing Decent Clothes For Women In Wear
  • The Society is a society of Aceh Green And Persistence Worship, so do not wonder When Arrive Time Prayer Time, Instantly You Seeing Banda Aceh to be Lonely And Silent in because Acehnese Sharia Once Highly Respect
  • All the way to the Aceh Tsunami Museum Coffee Shop There are many, so a time to enjoy the pleasures Lah For Typical Aceh Coffee Solong That's Famous
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