Sipora Island: Conquering Beautiful Waves Mentawai

Sipora Island - Mentawai Islands Uniqueness And It Has A Charming exotic waves, This is what makes Sipora Island as a strategic island and possibly as a reference that makes this island As the district center. Apart from being the capital of Mentawai Islands regency, Sipora island also has several unique surf tour that also attract local as well as International.

Sipora Island

is the smallest island but the most strategic and appropriate in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra. Compared to the other four major islands in the Mentawai Islands Sipora position right in the middle between the islands and the island of Siberut Pagai. In this island also is the district capital of the Mentawai Islands, the Old Pejat.

With an area of ​​approximately 845 km ², Sipora island has an estimated 10-15% of pristine rainforest. Most residents Sipora their livelihood as farmers or nelayan.Sipora Island become a tourist attraction in the vicinity because there are some amazing sights surfing. The best time to visit the island for windsurfing Sipora is April to October. Even so, you still can enjoy the challenging waves roll Sipora island most of the year.

Why Should I Get There ?

Sipora Island has world class surfing point, Hollow Trees and Lance's Left is at the southern tip of the island. A number of other famous surfing spot located in the northwest of the island of Sipora, that among Telescopes, Iceland, and Scarecrows.

Hollow Trees also known as HT or Lance's Right. Cylindrical waves (known as the right tube) for the past 10 years often appeared in magazines and videos surfing world.

When the waves of this type come not too large, there will be 3 zones take off that challenge you to be able to maneuver smoothly. When the larger waves came, broke the top of the waves (peak) will be connected with a continuous barrel that will make surfers with average skills Amazed By him.

Be careful with called The Surgeon's Table at the point of surfing; waves as if it was to lift the surfers to surf dipuncak as if as a trophy or trophy. Hollow Trees not recommended for novice surfers because the waves present a challenge for those with adequate skills and expertise.

Lance's Left is the kind of strong waves and most consistent Sipora Island and surrounding areas. Having the characteristics of waves with two different barrels and a take-off zone, Lance's Left (if supported perfect condition) may be one of the most beautiful waves on the planet. Many people call and compare Lance's Left as waves Money Trees of G-Land version of the Mentawai. The movement of the waves on the sea surface resulting from differences in air pressure and winds (swell) to create a larger zone of vertical take-off and a perfect barrel. When the waves are not too big, Lance's Left suitable for surfers with intermediate skills.

In the northwestern island of Sipora, there are two other well-known types of waves. Telescopes is a type of very long waves, semi-hollow (waves rolling with a hole in the middle), and almost perfect for surfing.

Many surfers who had surfed waves Telescopes admit that this is one of the best waves in Indonesia. Telescopes are not too big to challenge you with a kind of cylindrical waves suitable for intermediate level surfers. What waves Telescopes are closest to the center of the housing in Tuapejat (the district capital), which is approximately 5 km to the west.

Scarecrows is a type of wave to take off the left zone that forms the walls connected with barrel waves rolling in fast. Suitable for surfers Semi -Pro.Beside level as the goal of the surfers (local and international) chase big waves, the natural beauty of this beautiful island can not be doubted.

Conditions of unspoiled nature is well maintained recreational attractions suitable for families. Snorkeling, diving, or just relaxing on the beach enjoying the view, accompanied by a cool breeze whistling, while waiting for the sun sinks are another attraction of the marine tourism. Photography is also something worthy and interesting to do in order to capture the natural beauty of the Mentawai.

For surfing location, you can go to several points around the island of Sipora. In addition to the four points of surfing which has been discussed in the section "Description" before, which is famous surfing destination can be found in Hamlet Katiet. Located at the southern tip of the island of Sipora, this hamlet in the village of precisely Bosua that can be taken approximately 4 hours travel by speed boat from the Old Pejat.

Katiet Hamlet is famous for the perfect roll of the waves reaching a height of 3-4 meters. The beach in this village has relatively many corals, but it did not deter the surfers to hunt down the waves. Waves in Hamlet Katiet excellent hunted in early April to December.

Besides Katiet Hamlet, another surf spot known to the international surfers are Coral Climb. The high waves are very long making it one of the favorite places that often invite tourists.

In addition, Coral Climb is also a snorkeling and diving tourist locations that can not be underestimated. Climb Reef waters have a percentage of live coral is the best and it is encouraging diverse fish life is beauty worth dived underwater. Corals are found in various types of angelfish Climb the Napoleon Angel (Pomacanthus xanthometopon), Angel Betmen (Pomacanthus imperator), Angel Bread (Pomachantus semicirculatus) and Angel Doreng (Pygoplites diacanthus).

For you fans of snorkeling, island Awera within approximately 3.5 kilometers from the district capital dock Mentawai Islands, Old Pejat, can be a reference for you.

Beautiful island of white sand with palm trees decorated has a diversity and abundance of biodiversity. Extensive coral reefs are protected areas Mentawai government.

How not if in this region there are several endemic fish like Goldstripe maroon clown (Premnas epigramma), Desjardin's Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma desjardinii), Fox Face-Red (Siganus magnipicus) and Powderblue Surgeonfish (Acanthurus leucosternoon).

Hirst Siasiat is also interesting dive sites searched for fish diversity and beauty of coral reefs. Ghost Pipe Fish, nudibranchs, harlequin shrimp, octopus, sea horses, a variety of crabs, turtles, and others can be found in the ocean depths around Gosong Siasiat.

How Do I Get There ?

There is an airport on the island of Sipora but only for flights charter.Beside it, the path chosen more for Sipora to the island is by boat or speed boat ride. The boat is usually going towards the island of Siberut before you can proceed to Sipora Island and other islands in the Mentawai Islands.

Boat from Padang to Siberut Island will depart on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (approximately Rp85.000, -). Sailing back to Padang on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Mentawai Express serves journey by speed boat approximately 4 hour journey to the island of Siberut. At a cost of approximately Rp85.000, - shipping is available on Thursdays; schedule is back to Padang on Friday.

New Source of Sustenance serves journey to the island of Siberut (night) by ferry at a cost of approximately Rp67.000, -. Cruise schedule is on Mondays and Wednesdays; schedule back to Padang is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Travel by ferry can take approximately 10 hours.

Mentawai Express, a New Source of Sustenance and Beriloga providing travel services of Siberut Island towards the other islands, including the island of Sipora.

How In The Accommodations ?

To stay at while in Sipora Island, tourists can stay in houses in the Old Pejat. Some other travelers usually choose to stay in cruise ships can be hired at the Padang.

For those of you who wish to stay with a more adequate accommodation, stay at the resort-resort can be an option.

We recommend that you reserve a hotel room from the well before you arrive at Sipora especially during holiday times, given accommodation on the island is fairly small.

When Should I Get There ?

The best time to visit the island of Sipora almost be hunted throughout the year. However, the best time to surf is April to October.

Know Before You Go

  • Very wise if you always provide water to drink in a portable package.
  • Sunscreen or sunblock should always be carried and used as needed in this area because it is very hot when the wind blows quite refreshing.
  • You should also carry protective anti mosquito.
  • If you want to capture the action of the surfers then have to carry binocular lens for photographing. To watch the action in the middle of the sea surfers also bring binoculars.
  • Bring also supplies drugs, especially malaria drugs and snacks to taste.
  • Given cruise towards Sipora only on certain schedules, make sure you know the schedule so you can plan a trip better.
  • Should inn messages from far-away days especially during peak season (ie Christmas and New Year).
  • Bring enough cash while visiting Sipora Island or other islands in the Mentawai Islands. This is due to the absence of the islands atm

Other locations that you must visit

Hamlet Katiet

Located in the village at the south end Bosua Sipora island known as the most perfect waves roll with a height of 3-4 meters. Can be taken for 4 hours by speed boat from the capital of Tuapejat. Despite the rocky shore but the waves roll perfect for the many tourists who visit it.

Pokai beach
Attractions beach in Mentawai is a lot of choice and each with its uniqueness. Pokai beach for example, located in the village Simalegi within 3 hours by speedboat from the capital district. Besides the beauty of the waves and the beautiful islands there are other islands within five minutes by canoe.

Waves Telescope
Is surfing attractions closest to Tuapejat (the district capital) is + / - 5 km west of the center of the settlement.

So how TravelEsia Friends Are you interested to Visiting and Conquering Beautiful Waves  Island Sipora.If your visit to West Sumatra Make Sipora Island as a tourist your destination .Lets We Support Indonesia To Become The World Travel Destinations